Easy Realistic Watercolor Bird Drawing and Painting Tutorial

I’m so excited to dive into this little project. I hope to feature more of these mini series in the future with a drawing and painting video pairing. Let me know if that would be interesting to you (or not) and what you would like to see as part of this series.

First up the drawing: the key to realistic watercolor painting with ease is a good drawing. If you drawing isn’t clear then you will struggle to capture the detail. Be sure to spend the extra time with your drawing, you won’t regret planning for your future watercolor bird painting!

Easy Realistic Bird Drawing:

Realistic Watercolor Bird Tutorial:

Supplies: (may contain affiliate links)

Looking for more drawing help?

You might like my FREE Flower Drawing Mini Course (teachings apply beyond flowers but that’s my favorite thing to draw!). In this mini drawing course I’ll walk you through 5 of my favorite tips and tricks to quickly improve in your realistic drawing techniques. I’ve taught THOUSANDS of students through this simple course to help them improve and even I have been blown away by the results!

And what do you have to lose? It’s free!

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